Yet another cousin of Priyanka Chopra is all set to take baby steps into Bollywood. Meera Chopra will be making her B-Town debut in Vikram Bhatt's upcoming installment of 1920
Sources say ever since the film's initial heroine Prachi Desai stepped out of the project due to date problems, the makers had been looking for a replacement. And Meera will now step into Prachi's shoes.
Says Vikram, `I had met Meera for another film. Third of the Chopra sisters, she is ravishing and obviously comes with what we call a film background. She is quite a dynamo and we are all glad with her now joining the cast. `
The film goes on the floors next month and the rest of the details are yet to be finalised.
Sources say ever since the film's initial heroine Prachi Desai stepped out of the project due to date problems, the makers had been looking for a replacement. And Meera will now step into Prachi's shoes.
Says Vikram, `I had met Meera for another film. Third of the Chopra sisters, she is ravishing and obviously comes with what we call a film background. She is quite a dynamo and we are all glad with her now joining the cast. `
The film goes on the floors next month and the rest of the details are yet to be finalised.
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