Kareena Kapoor, who received the Entertainer of the Decade award at NDTV Indian of the Year, talks about her upcoming flick Satyagraha, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Ajay Devgn. The actress says, her role in the film is an extremely sensitive one, and that her performance has been inspired by NDTV’s Barkha Dutt.
Since the shooting of Satyagraha took place in Bhopal, Bebo did not get to spend time with her hubby Saif Ali Khan. When asked about how is it to be apart for such a long time, Kareena said:“I am a woman in love and when you are in love, you cross boundaries.” She also joked, “Saif and I contribute to air fare sales.”
The actress also talked about marriage barrier in Bollywood. She said,“The fact that there are two married actresses on this stage receiving awards should answer your question.” Well, Kareena was referring to Sridevi, who won NDTV’s Entertainer of the Year.
Kareena also revealed that she is a big time fan of Sridevi and that as a young girl, she used to dance to movie songs featuring Sridevi in front of her bathroom mirror.
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